Monday, February 24, 2020

Fluoridation and Toxicity Issues Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Fluoridation and Toxicity Issues - Assignment Example Fluoridation might actually result in the darkening of the teeth or dental fluorosis and may even affect the gums (The Debate over Adding Fluoride in Our Water, 2013). This will result in something like what American researchers called the Colorado Brown Stain, which was a result of excessive use of fluoride and which affected some children from 1909 to 1915. Moreover, the darkening of the teeth was not related to tooth decay (The Story of Fluoridation, 2011). In a study by Parnell et al. (2009), there have been 88 studies that revealed that fluorosis may be derived from drinking of water treated with fluoride. Fluoride consumption in drinking water may also be associated with problems concerning the health of the skeletal system. The most common is bone fracture (Limeback, 2000). The most common of these bone fracture types is hip fracture (Diesendorf et al., 1997). Moreover, data from 29 studies prove that long-term consumption of drinking water with fluoride can result in bone fracture (Parnell et al., 2009). Indeed, even though these studies are mostly from the United States, it does not change the fact that the potential harmful effects of fluoride can happen to any group of people in the world as long as they are exposed to relatively large amounts of the chemical in water. The third and perhaps most difficult concern, which I hope Dr. Nokes will bring up and clarify, is that an excess of fluoride in the human body is simply â€Å"detrimental to long-term dental and overall health† (The Debate over Adding Fluoride in Our Water, 2013). This is indeed very alarming because people are actually not familiar with the standard amount of fluoride that a human body must take in as well as the maximum levels of the chemical that the body can handle. Although the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States points out 4 mg/L as the standard maximum tolerable aount of fluoride that Americans can take in, the data may be

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Learning Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Learning Experience - Essay Example What is amazing is that the learnings from different courses seem to complement each other and I get to organize them into an integrated whole. This gives me much fulfillment. Of course, not everything was rosy. I have had my share of bumps and falls, but these failures were instrumental in helping me rise again and become more determined to get things right. Apart from my own personal goals, I am encouraged by my co-learners who share the same challenges and successes with me. In collaborating with them on some projects, social learning takes place and I get a peek at how their minds work and I harvest some ideas to enrich my thinking. I believe I likewise get to contribute my ideas and they benefit from them too. Together we learn problem-solving skills and patch up each other’s inabilities. It is no surprise that friendships were formed and solidified because of collaborative learning activities. Like in most University programs, communication skills are essential. Both my verbal and written communication skills were honed because of the requirements of the courses. I had to express myself clearly and fluently so I would be understood and to prove my skills to my mentors. My generation is fortunate enough to be in the age of technological advances. Research is much easier with the internet and online libraries. Information is readily available in one click of a key if one only knows where to retrieve it. Libraries are still great sources of helpful materials. The feel of books in my hands as I turn the pages makes me feel closer to the originator of the ideas, the author. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that I could grow so much from an online program. Sitting in front of a computer with people of different time zones that come together for common study was unheard of, especially in my parents’ time. Nowadays, due to the