Friday, December 20, 2019

Writing Is An Effective Tool For Preserving The Students ...

Writing is a literacy component that allows students to communicate their ideas in a coherent and fluent manner. Writing captures the vivid imagination of the writer when all of his abstract ideas are organized in an interesting and cohesive essay. Writing becomes an effective tool in preserving the students’ creativity and reflective writing styles. Therefore, when students produce well-written and organized essays, these essays are products of a tedious and deeply personal process of thinking. The importance of writing encompasses even outside the realms of the classroom as it is a crucial skill students must develop so they will be able to gain communicative competence. However, writing and writing instruction have become a challenged to both students and teachers. As writing is taught in all English subjects, one central issue is the difficulty of teaching students how to write. Writing simply becomes a way to complete a grade. Writing is not simply instructing the stude nts what to write and think since they have difficulty organizing their ideas. Writing is taught as a process that will train students to think coherently and consolidate their ideas properly. Therefore, students must be equipped with the writing skills set forth in the English K to 12 Curriculum Guide (Department of Education 2013) which states that Grade 6 students should be able to construct meanings and communicate them using creative, appropriate and grammatically correct oral and written language.Show MoreRelatedReading Skills Of Grade 6 Students From Immaculate Conception Academy928 Words   |  4 PagesPrewriting Activity: Effects on the Writing Skills of Grade 6 Students from Immaculate Conception Academy Writing is a literacy component that allows students to communicate their ideas in a coherent and fluent manner. 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Notice The guidanceRead MoreLibrary Management204752 Words   |  820 Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 . 46 . 48 . 50 . 52 . 55 . 58 . 60 Section 2: Planning 4—Planning Information Services and Systems . . . . . . . 65 Techniques and Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Environment for Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Planning Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 The Planning Process . . . . . . . . . Read MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pages637 663 616 623 Contents Preface xxii 1 1 Introduction What Is Organizational Behavior? 3 The Importance of Interpersonal Skills 4 What Managers Do 5 Management Functions 6 †¢ Management Roles 6 †¢ Management Skills 8 †¢ Effective versus Successful Managerial Activities 8 †¢ A Review of the Manager’s Job 9 Enter Organizational Behavior 10 Complementing Intuition with Systematic Study 11 Disciplines That Contribute to the OB Field 13 Psychology 14 †¢ Social Psychology 14 †¢ SociologyRead MoreEthics of Information Communication Technology (Ict)27618 Words   |  111 Pagesfirst ruling on cyber-defamation. Thanet Songkran was given a two-year suspended sentence for posting a note on a web bulletin board, which listed the phone number of a young woman and a message alleging she was a student prostitute, The Nation newspaper said. Thai university students arrested for hacking have been ordered to pay for their crime by serving at the very website they defaced. The hackers planted a bogus news flash on a government ministry’s site, d etailing plans to set up a new clubRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words   |  1056 Pages This online teaching and learning environment integrates the entire digital textbook with the most effective instructor and student resources With WileyPLUS: Students achieve concept mastery in a rich, structured environment that’s available 24/7 Instructors personalize and manage their course more effectively with assessment, assignments, grade tracking, and more manage time better study smarter save money From multiple study paths, to self-assessment, to a wealth of interactive visualRead MoreCase Study148348 Words   |  594 Pagesresponsible for the content of third party internet sites. ISBN: 978-0-273-73557-1 (printed) ISBN: 978-0-273-73552-6 (web) All rights reserved. Permission is hereby given for the material in this publication to be reproduced for OHP transparencies and student handouts, without express permission of the Publishers, for educational purposes only. In all other cases, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Effect Gamma Rays free essay sample

Who is a quitter, camper and climber? Beatrice is a quitter. ?A Quitter refers to people who choose to opt out, cop out, back out, and drop out. Quitters abandon the climb. They refuse the opportunity the mountain presents. They ignore, mask, or desert their core human drive to ascend and with it much of what life offers. ?Similarly, instead of working hard, Beatrice chooses to opt out, and give up on her life. Evidences: 1. P: gave up her dream of being a dancer E: â€Å"did you know what I’d be now if it wasn’t for this mud pool I was sucked into? I’d probably be a dance. Ms Betty Frank, The Best Dance of Class 19†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I: instead of working hard and trying to step out of this mud pool, she gave up. 2. P: Beatrice claims that she had made a mistake but she does not attempt to make it up to herself and strive for a better future. We will write a custom essay sample on The Effect Gamma Rays or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page E: â€Å"One mistake. That’s how it starts. Marry the wrong man and before you know it he’s got you tied down with two stones around you neck for the rest of your life. † (32) 3. P: Beatrice gave up dancing without even trying hard enough to get back those dancing legs. E: â€Å"Before I knew what happened I lost my dancing legs and got varicose legs. Beautiful varicose legs. Do you know, everything I ever thought I’d be has exploded! † (33) Ruth is a camper. ?Climbers are people that only go so far. Weary of the climb, they terminate their ascent and find a smooth, comfortable plateau on which to hide from adversity. And there, they choose to sit out their remaining years. ?Campers, unlike quitters, have at least taken on the challenge of the ascent. They have gained some ground. ?Similarly, Ruth stops self-improving or trying hard to succeed and chooses to stay put. Evidences: 1. P: when ruth sees that the house is in a mess, she did not bother to do anything about it.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Enterprise Class Hadoop and Streaming Data †

Question: Discuss about the Enterprise Class Hadoop and Streaming Data. Answer: Introduction: The following assignment is the analysis of the big data threats and the steps which is taken to prevent the threats of the big data. The given assignment discusses about an organization known as the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) the center of network and the expert in the Information technology securities threat which assist the European nation bodies. The ENISA organization works with the members of the EU in assisting the securities related to the IT. The ENISA is also responsible for improving network and provide security to the entire European nations. The Big data is the collection of the huge data which is not only complex and not useful the purpose of the big data is to derive some pattern or the algorithm from these data to study the pattern which may include the behavior of the people related to certain companies (Kimwele, 2014). The source of the data can be from anywhere like the application of the internet of things or telecommunicati on and it can be in huge amount. The application of the big data is increasing every day and a more advanced and matured technique is getting developed to use the big data to derive the information (Kitchin, 2014). Many companies have admitted that the application of the big data has been huge and it has increased the effectiveness and efficiency in making the decision in the business. It is expected that in the coming days the demand of the big data is going to increase in all the sectors of the company be it a healthcare, banks, markets specially in for the military purpose and intelligence system. However despite of all its business there is various risks associated with the big data which is the prime targets of the hackers to retrieve the information. There are various threats related to the big data some of them are: Through the usage of the big data not only the original data but the confidential data are also at risk as with the high replication of the big data for purpose to store and the outsourcing of the big data these type of the technology are new ways of the breaching and the leakage of the data. The big data are posing threat to the privacy of the individual which has the impact on the data protection. In the big data at the time of the creation of the link at the collection of the data is the major cause of the penalization the extra creation of the link is the major cause of the leakage of the information and data. Thirdly different stake holders of the big data like the service providers data transformers, data owners have different opinion about the usage of the data thus their idea of usage of the data may conflict which makes its a difficult environment to opiate upon. Thus in such difficult envenom t the security of the data may be compromised. Lastly in many areas of the information and communication technology (ICT) .They are applying own security and privacy which is the best practice according to them but it would relatively decrease the all over security and the privacy risk related big data area(Walker 2014). As still in the early stage of the big data the rising pattern is embracing the Security-by-default principle which has proved to be both practical as compared to the effort and cost in term of time and money required to provide ad hoc solutions for the problem later on. Lastly the assignment analyses how there are huge gap between the problems related to the big data and the counter measures to tackle the problems of the big data. Therefore the assignment discuses about the lack of the proper countermeasures of the big data and how important is to take correct counter measures so that the next generation can also utilize the application of the big data. Therefore in the particular a valid question rises whether the current trends of the countermeasures for taking up the existing solutions which is against the data threats in the Big Data which mainly focuses on the amount of the data. The current countermeasures are made which is mainly to counter the scalabilities of the big data which does not fit the big data problems which results in the partial and ineffective approach to the protection of the big data(Walker 2014). The assignment enlists some of the guidelines and approaches for the countermeasure of the next generation of the data. Some of the recommendations enlisted are as remarked by the assignment are: I) to stop following the current approach to the traditional data and work on defining the Big Data related solutions ii) To find and identify the gaps and required needs for the current practices and to work in planning the specific definition and the specific standardization activities. To work in training and teaching the IT profession nals about the big data and teach they correct measures of usage of the big data. iv) To work in defining the correct tools and measures for security and privacy for the protection of Big Data and it environments v) To clearly find and identify the assets to the Big Data and to simplify the selection of solutions mitigating risks and threats (Walker 2014). Various major threats have been listed by the assignment. Some of them are: Threat due to Information leakage and sharing because of the human error Threat due to Leakage of the data through the Web applications (unsecure APIs) Threat due to inadequate planning and design or incorrect adaptation. Threat due to inception of the information. Above all the threats described by the assignment the significant threat can be leaks of the data via Web applications (unsecure APIs). As all the threat described by the assignment is a human error and it can be corrected with proper attention but the breaching of the data due to Web applications (unsecure APIs) is the breach which can take place due to the software which do not have enough capability to protect the data (Halenar, 2012). According to the assignment various sources has claimed that the security is of the less concern while building the big data. The new software components designed for the protection of the big data is usually built with the authorization of the service level, but there are few utilities which is available to protect the core features and application interfaces (APIs) (Kayworth Whitten, 2012). As we know that the big data are built and designed on the web services models. The application interfaces (APIs) become a prime target to well-known cyber at tacks, like the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). Which is in the top ten lists and there are few countermeasures to tackle them. The vendor of the security software Computer Associate (CA) and various other related sources find out via report that the data breaches are due to not a secure application interfaces (APIs), in various industries such as the photo and video sharing services and especially the social networks which includes the Face book, Yahoo and Snap chat (Chen Zhang, 2014). An example can be demonstrated the threat in the social networks and can be the injection attack to a company known as the Semantic Web technologies through the injection of the SPARQL code. The flaws in the security are very common in the newly available big data languages such as the RDQL and the SPARQL where both are read-only query languages. The utilization of the newly designed query languages has introduced the vulnerabilities which was already present in the misuse of the quer y languages of the old-style. The attacks on the languages like SQL, LDAP and Path are well known and dangerous for the usage. The libraries of this new language have been given the tools to check the user input and simultaneously minimizing the risk. There are other big data software products for an example Monod, Hive and Couched who also suffers from the traditional threats which includes the execution of the code and the remote SQL injection. The assets targeted by these threats belong to group Data and asset type Storage Infrastructure models (such as Database management systems (DBS) and Semantic Web tools). According to the assignment the threat agent is someone who has the clear intention and decent capability to plant a threat regarding the usage of the big data systems (ODriscoll, Daugelaite Sleator, 2013). It is crucial for the users of the big data to be aware of these threats and prevent them in their system. The various categories of the threat agents are Corporations: The category of the cooperation comes under the organizations which are involved in the tactics. In this category the cooperation are considers as the threat agents whose motivation and aim is to gain a competitive advantages over their competitors which is their main target. Depending on the cooperations size and its sector these corporations usually acquire the significant capabilities which range from the technology in the area of their expertise. Cyber criminals: Another threat agent is the cyber criminals the main target of these cyber criminals is to financial gain and they hack and breach the data of the company which is confidential and has a high demand in the market. These cyber criminals opiates on all levels be it a local or a global operator. Cyber terrorist: the main differed between the Cyber criminals and the Cyber terrorist is that the motive behind the data breaching is not only financial but also political, religious or social gain over the people (Labrinidis Jagadish, 2012). They basically operate at the global level to spread terror in the country and target the critical infrastructure o the country which includes the health and financial sector of the country which cause severe impact in society and government. Script kiddies: they are basically unskilled or incapable hackers who use the programme and scripts of the hackers to hack the computer system. Online social hackers (activists): The hackers who target the social media are politically and socially motivated individuals which use the platform to promote their believing and causes They mainly targets small children and girls to torture them mentally and promote cyber bullying in the social media. Employees: This category of the threat agent involves the people who works for the particular organization and have access to the data of the company. They mainly are the security guards or the operational staffs who are bribed by the individuals to steal the data (Zikopoulos Eaton, 2011). Nation states: Nation state is the rising threat which has become prominent in the recent times. The Threat agent which are due to the deployment of sophisticated attacks which are considered as cyber weapons with the capability of these malware (Provost Fawcett, 2013). The above threat agents identified implies that to avoid these threats people while using the social media should not post their private details such as the photograph or location as it can use by the hackers to cyber bully the users. Secondly the company needs to keep tab on their employees of their activities against and stealing of the data. The ETL is full form is extraction, transformation, and loading. ETL is the process in which the data is extracted from the source system and brought into the data warehouse. The first step is the extraction where the data is extracted from the various sources and is assembled in the certain place the second step is the transformation phase where the data is transformed according to the target requirement and last phase is the loading phase it is the phase in which the data is loaded into its warehouse and ready for the delivery (Boyd Crawford, 2012). For the better performance of the ETL various steps are enlisted: Loading the data incrementally: For the proper management of the data it should be arrange in certain matter which can be increasing or decreasing or any order according to the user need it will help in better management of the data and it will to find the record afterward as the user will remember the pattern (Tankard, 2012). The partition of the large tables: Using the relational database its use can be improved by the partition of the large tables when the large table data are segmented into the smaller part it will help in quicker and efficient access of the data (Singh Khaira, 2013). It will allow easier switching of the data and quick insertion, deletion and updating of the table. Cutting out the extra data: sometimes the table of data can become complex due to presence of the unwanted data. Therefore the table should be properly analyzes and the not required data should be eliminated to make the table more simple and easily accessible. Usage of the software: various software like hardtop and the map reduce which is designed for the distributed processing of large data over a cluster of machines (Al-Aqrabi et al 2012). It uses the HDFS application which segments data into the small part and make them into simple cluster. The data which is duplicated through which the system maintains the integrity automatically. According to the case study European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) which is center of the network and the expert in the Information technology securities threat which assist the European nation bodies is currently not satisfied with the IT securities that is followed in the world it has enlists the various securities which includes the usage of the big data which is not only the original data but the confidential data which are at risk as with the high replication of the big data for the purpose of storage and the outsourcing of the big data these type of the technology are new ways of the breaching and the leakage of the data. Secondly the big data are posing threat to the privacy of the individual which has the impact on the data protection (Ackermann, 2012). The assignment also enlists 5 major threats related to the data mining. The assignment also enlists threat agent such as cooperation, people, cybercrime which spreads the online hacking. The assignm ent finally enlists countermeasures made mainly to counter the scalabilities of the big data which does not fit the big data problems which results in the partial and ineffective approach to the protection of the big data (Ackermann et al 2012). Thus the assignment clearly explains the current counter measures for the big data is not enough and should implement better strategies to avoid the misuse of the big data. References Ackermann, T. (2012).IT security risk management: perceived IT security risks in the context of Cloud Computing. Springer Science Business Media. Ackermann, T., Widjaja, T., Benlian, A., Buxmann, P. (2012). Perceived IT security risks of cloud computing: Conceptualization and scale development. Al-Aqrabi, H., Liu, L., Xu, J., Hill, R., Antonopoulos, N., Zhan, Y. (2012, April). Investigation of IT security and compliance challenges in Security-as-a-Service for Cloud Computing. InObject/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing Workshops (ISORCW), 2012 15th IEEE International Symposium on(pp. 124-129). IEEE. Amanpartap Singh, P. A. L. L., Khaira, J. S. (2013). A comparative review of extraction, transformation and loading tools.Database Systems Journal BOARD, 42. Boyd, D., Crawford, K. (2012). Critical questions for big data: Provocations for a cultural, technological, and scholarly phenomenon.Information, communication society,15(5), 662-679. Chen, C. P., Zhang, C. Y. (2014). Data-intensive applications, challenges, techniques and technologies: A survey on Big Data.Information Sciences,275, 314-347. Crossler, R. E., Johnston, A. C., Lowry, P. B., Hu, Q., Warkentin, M., Baskerville, R. (2013). Future directions for behavioral information security research.computers security,32, 90-101. Halenar, R. (2012). Real Time ETL Improvement.International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering,4(3), 405 John Walker, S. (2014). Big data: A revolution that will transform how we live, work, and think. Kayworth, T., Whitten, D. (2012). Effective information security requires a balance of social and technology factors. Kimwele, M. W. (2014). Information technology (IT) security in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). InInformation Systems for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises(pp. 47-64). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Kitchin, R. (2014).The data revolution: Big data, open data, data infrastructures and their consequences. Sage. Labrinidis, A., Jagadish, H. V. (2012). Challenges and opportunities with big data.Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment,5(12), 2032-2033. Loske, A., Widjaja, T., Buxmann, P. (2013). Cloud Computing Providers Unrealistic Optimism regarding IT Security Risks: A Threat to Users?. McAfee, A., Brynjolfsson, E., Davenport, T. H. (2012). Big data: the management revolution.Harvard business review,90(10), 60-68. ODriscoll, A., Daugelaite, J., Sleator, R. D. (2013). Big data, Hadoop and cloud computing in genomics.Journal of biomedical informatics,46(5), 774-781. Provost, F., Fawcett, T. (2013). Data science and its relationship to big data and data-driven decision making.Big Data,1(1), 51-59. Rakes, T. R., Deane, J. K., Rees, L. P. (2012). IT security planning under uncertainty for high-impact events.Omega,40(1), 79-88. Tankard, C. (2012). Big data security.Network security,2012(7), 5-8. Understanding big data: Analytics for enterprise class hadoop and streaming data. McGraw-Hill Osborne Media.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Relationship Between Sport And Tourism Tourism Essay Essay Example

The Relationship Between Sport And Tourism Tourism Essay Essay But most of all travel programs are made to develop an country non sufficiently focused on the development of local human resources. That is progressively isolated from the human resources of touristry development is carried out due to their inability to execute. Tourism impact member or a important impact on society, peculiarly to local occupants, before keeping an event should take into history the effects of these events on economic and socio-cultural community. Among the benefits of hosting the event of certain persons. Example of hotel and resort operators, nutrient and drink concern and trade sellers. When the athleticss held their additions from the gross revenues will increase because many tourers would come to see store. In add-on they can advance interesting merchandises that have non been promoted by the trader another trader. This will give chances to people to happen out their gross revenues consequences and the stableness of the economic system rose due to foreign currency exchange rates and therefore can increase the balance of payments. With the returns from the authorities to bring forth economic net income from the reaching of a big population. We will write a custom essay sample on The Relationship Between Sport And Tourism Tourism Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Relationship Between Sport And Tourism Tourism Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Relationship Between Sport And Tourism Tourism Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The function of the touristry event of the obvious facets of the development of a touristry finish. Forming events for local causes many to take the enterprise to venture into concern little or open the endowment of the persons that had been extinguished in the ego. In add-on to advancing touristry events for local communities to prosecute in commercial concerns such as keepsake. Making a traditional nutrient that we can demo it to tourers tourers who are interested in seeking the nutrient. It is clearly apparent to the tourers who have non been seeking to eat that is non in their state. For them there is a pride in themselves and function as a memory. Organization of events events to promote international investors to put in a finish. Because investors are interested in spread outing income, because the finish has the possible to be developed or the capacity to be developed for the occupants of flax and high member to investors that they are so moneymaking for-profit concern in the hereafter. This was apparent in 1990 ; the touristry development plan is increasing consciousness of its importance to the state because the bing strategic touristry events planned for the Province of Novel Scotia ( Get, 1997 ) . Travel the international-class featuring event to profit many local communities due to widespread support from the international. To acquire a response from the tourers they must play a cardinal function in pulling tourers to an tourer potency of featuring events and athleticss equipment in order to finish attractive to tourers. With the attempts of the athletics can better the economic system. Because the demands and demands of tourers should be introduced for athletics activities or bundles that are appropriate to the mark market. Sports and touristry intertwined as an of import subject since 1998, so that in 1999.Infrastructure building and the reaching of more voluntaries to assist the economic system in the part and to cut down the cost of development. A sum of four 20 two per centum of the touristry events around the universe are athleticss Sports Tourism International Council on tahun1994. For a underdeveloped state hosting the event is an chance to assist advance economic growing and societal development and heighten the cooperation between many states. Sports touristry funded from the company the international corporations that maintain high criterions of corporate administration is good concern is really of import to assist beef up the trade name for the organisation or a brotherhood every bit good as to heighten a healthy civilization of corporate duty. Recommended the undermentioned steps to be implemented to construct the assurance of investors is bettering transparence and regulative environment, In add-on to assisting the industry to make regulations that increase the consistence of authorities policies to better the airing of economic information. In the disposal of athleticss touristry is good non merely a corporate organic structure of jurisprudence abiding, but happening the right ethical blessing. Therefore, companies need to do the coverage of a State capable of development as an attempt to better the administration of a good concern to heighten the economic system of the state. There are a few factors that lead to positions of local communities on touristry activities is of import is that local communities have a connexion and relationship of the foreign tourers. When travellers receive good intervention from the local, it will hold a positive impact on the satisfaction of tourers who visit. Local community is the beginning of the taxpayer and straight benefits the authorities. Because the income earned from the tourers to give a clear betterment or impact the economic system. In add-on, a State can cut down the load on any society when the economic system becomes more member benefits. In decision, athleticss touristry continues to be the focal point of foreign investors in the hereafter due to political stableness and execution of business-friendly environment of inspiration. In add-on to works theoretical account to pull investors because of differences are rare. This is decidedly athleticss touristry to give consequence to the good illustration of a good exchange of tourers to hike the economic system of the state and improved the degree of good and Development. Therefore the authorities should be is smart design of the first set before running the athletics is non valid for the jobs of the tourers. For their reaching to give a point of pride for them, peculiarly Olympic athletics. ( 991 Wordss )

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Internet Security Fraud essays

Internet Security Fraud essays The internet has played a major roll in the development of business and domestic industries. It is an everyday element in each and everyones lives. Through chat, surfing, shopping and banking. But society has now been confronted with the issue of security, primarily security in relation to internet banking. As most people know internet banking is a service provided which enables banking to take place in the comfort of our homes. It has revolutionised the way banking is performed. It is well noted that security is a number one priority in carrying out these objectives, as internet banking deals with a lot of financial information which if in the case where the information may escape, great consequences may result. This issue targets most of todays society as the majority engage in online transactions be it banking, chatting or shopping. The implementation of effective security measures provides users with peace of mind and a sense of trust in completing online transactions. To assist with this, the thorough education of users in the areas of security, risks and precautions in relation to the use of internet banking must be carried out to ensure that the most effective and safe procedure is being completed. The main target of online fraudsters is internet banking this issue will be discussed throughout the report. 2.1.1 Internet banking is an everyday bank with a virtual nature which is available to customers 24 hours 7 days a week. Internet banking provides services that banks offer such has the transfer of money from two separate accounts, viewing of account balances and other transactions in the comfort of your home. Internet banking is provided by the majority of major banks in the form of a webpage which lists users accounts and provides a vast variety of options and actions to be carried out while being secure. All customers of major ban ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Sampling Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Sampling - Coursework Example lting in the auditor’s conclusion becoming dissimilar from what would have been attained if the entire population were examined (Guy, Carmichael & Whittington, 2002). As a result, sampling risk may result in two other forms of auditing risks: a. Alpha Risk (Risk of incorrect rejection), arising due to the sample indicating higher error levels than the actual case, and the risk affecting the audit efficiency. It can be resolved through the performing of additional audit work (Guy, Carmichael & Whittington, 2002). b. Beta Risk (Risk of incorrect acceptance), which arises due to the failure to detect a material error in a population due to the insufficiency of selected sample items containing errors. As a result, the audit effectiveness is affected, and the risk can be quantified by using statistical sampling procedures and detected by using other audit procedures that are complimentary (Gray, 2007). Second, there is a non-sampling risk that results from factors that cause the auditor to make erroneous conclusions for reasons not related to sample size. Subsequently, the risk can arise due to the failure of the auditors to recognize the errors of individual items in a sample. Nevertheless, the risk can be minimalized through the ensured proper audit planning, supervision and review by the auditors (Gray,