Thursday, November 21, 2019

Sampling Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Sampling - Coursework Example lting in the auditor’s conclusion becoming dissimilar from what would have been attained if the entire population were examined (Guy, Carmichael & Whittington, 2002). As a result, sampling risk may result in two other forms of auditing risks: a. Alpha Risk (Risk of incorrect rejection), arising due to the sample indicating higher error levels than the actual case, and the risk affecting the audit efficiency. It can be resolved through the performing of additional audit work (Guy, Carmichael & Whittington, 2002). b. Beta Risk (Risk of incorrect acceptance), which arises due to the failure to detect a material error in a population due to the insufficiency of selected sample items containing errors. As a result, the audit effectiveness is affected, and the risk can be quantified by using statistical sampling procedures and detected by using other audit procedures that are complimentary (Gray, 2007). Second, there is a non-sampling risk that results from factors that cause the auditor to make erroneous conclusions for reasons not related to sample size. Subsequently, the risk can arise due to the failure of the auditors to recognize the errors of individual items in a sample. Nevertheless, the risk can be minimalized through the ensured proper audit planning, supervision and review by the auditors (Gray,

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